First of all I'd like to say welcome to Southpaw-Comics to all our new followers on facebook, I'm very grateful and I hope you enjoy Special Defense Unit! Onto the update, another week, another batch of drafts finished as well as four chapters containing one of the SDU's newest and most dangerous villains has been completed. Today, though, I'd like to share a little behind-the-scenes stuff. This is a screen cap of a list that Jared and I use to keep track of where we're currently at as pertaining to stories and as you can see, "SDU Fray" has 11 short stories within it just like "SDU Unite!" does! But they're longer, meaning Fray will have more exciting character moments and battles than the first book! But that... is all I can say. Stay Tuned for another update coming soon and if you haven't picked up your physical or digital copies of SDU on Amazon, you should, it's my life's work and I don't disappoint! Until next week, everyone!